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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Discover the last four digits of phone number of a Facebook account !

Hi Friends,

Today most of the people are having facebook accounts and it is possible that some keep it hidden and some reveal it. Well there is no sure shot or full proof mechanism to track the exact phone number of a victim, yet we can give a try to track the last four digits of it:) All you need to have is the victim's username, email address or the exact name and name of one of his friend.

So the first step is to go to the FORGOT PASSWORD  link in the face book login page.

Next Step is to find the account of the victim. For this type the name of the victim :)

Now as a part of the the new facebook , we are required to type the name of a friend of the victim, and we know this is quite simple in most of the cases.
So we type the name of the friend of the victim.

And finally we are directed to the page where we can see the last four digits of the phone number of the victim.

The significance of the last four digits may be useful in many ways, say some people may be having it as the PIN number of their ATMs, in some cases you may know the first six digits of someone's phone number, it comes to your usage as you want.

So thats it for now. Next post very soon .. till then Keep Smiling Keep Hacking :)