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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Trace your friend while chatting on a chat engine

Hi friends, if you are on internet, you must had been familiar with chatting on some chat engine like QQ, ICQ, or say GTalk. Now and then you meet a stanger who says that he is from,suppose US when actually he is not..! So how to catch such people and tell them where are they from.
The trick behind all this is that the messages we send to someone are actually data packets and they travel round the world using routers. Whenever we chat the an IGMP request is forwarded to our router to which we are joined.
Without getting into much details simply follow these steps :
  • Go to your command prompt using Start->Run->CMD.
  • Type netstat -n to get a list of complete IP addresses to which you are connected.
  • Send a message to your friend, and again type netstat -n, you will see a new IP address, this may be your friend's IP address.
  • Catch your friend by going to sites like,,, or other such IP locating sites., and you will get a complete detail of the friend,even a red dot on the globe pointing to his location..!
Thanks for reading, Bye for now..!

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